Expresso 3.0 is a free .NET regular expression development tool. By using this program, you will be able to build complex regular expressions just by selecting its different components from a menu. Then, you can test the created expressions entering values to them. The program will also assist you in creating a replacement string for a given expression. You can always test it with data before accepting it. Besides, Expresso will test the whole project for syntax errors, save data into a project file or generate Visual Basic, C# or C++ code. The program can be run in three modes, that will produce different results. The Test Mode will allow you to input a regular expression and then perform a Run Match process over a Sample Text. That will produce an output in the RegEx Analyzer and in the Search Results panels, showed in a tree structure that you can expand or collapse, to fix the level of detail you want to see. In the Design Mode you will be able to build your regular expression by picking its components from its tabbed interface. In the Expression Library you can select some of the already made regular expressions to use it, leaving it as is, or modifying it to meet your needs.
It is an application development environment for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
Learn, develop, and test Regular Expressions for the .NET platform.
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